Profile photo of Paulina R.

Paulina R.

Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia

$150 - $600 / Day


Born in Medellín, raised in Bogotá DC. Fascinated by story telling and worried by the world we live in. Growing up in a country like Colombia, submerged in such terrible conditions of injustice, hunger, illness and beauty makes it impossible to look the other way. I studied History, obsessed with memory recording and primary sources. The camera is my tool to keep track of those things that cant fit in my head any more, stories so robust that demand a couple extra TeraBytes. I expect to give voice to lost causes and ignored heroes. I do this for pleasure but sure hope to gain something more; Conscious perhaps, impact or at least leverage. In a world full of images you can´t help to think twice every time you want to press the “rec” button. Nonetheless, I have witnessed the power of light coming out of a camera, and I am confident this path is the optimal way to give light to certain matters. Storyhunter is a reason to keep doing it, and a chance at getting it done. Thank you for that.

Top Services

Documentary DP
Video Editor - News

Top Projects

All Services

Production Support

  • Documentary DP
  • Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
  • On-Air Reporter / Host
  • Reporter / Journalist

Post Production

  • Video Editor - News
  • Video Editor - Documentary
  • Video Editor - Commercial


  • Fixer
  • Translator