Profile photo of Darrin W.

Darrin W.

Tucson, AZ, USA

$500 - $500 / Day


I am a location sound mixer, sound designer, and live music audio engineer. I have always felt that positioning myself in as many areas of the audio field as possible would offer the most flexibility, enjoyment, and improved skillsets. So far that has proven to be accurate! In doing so, I have discovered that I enjoy location sound and sound design the most. Not to mention, I have met and worked with so many incredibly talented people along the way. I am college educated, field tested, own my equipment (know how to use it), and share a passion for creativity. Equipment: Anything you need. If you have any questions about my Post Production setup, feel free to ask! In addition, if you'd like to hire me for live sound I am also available for that! Let's get to work.

Top Services

Sound Designer
Sound Mixer

Top Projects



  • Wireless lavalier mic
  • Shotgun mic

All Services

Post Production

  • Sound Mixer
  • Sound Designer