Profile photo of Pablo H.

Pablo H.

Atlanta, GA, USA


Pablo is a pioneer in the TV industry, being the first International APJ (All Platform Journalist) CNN en Español has ever had and engaging in a multi-dimensional storytelling. A highly versatile reporter/video producer, with over 27 years of experience in the journalistic field (TV, radio and print media), Pablo has reported from 5 different continents and over 45 countries. He's passionate to do all kinds of stories from around the world, no matter how big or small, find them and bring them to life, telling them independently and unbiased. Pablo produces, shoots, edits, writes and voices his own reports with his own equipment and is also a great on-air correspondent with a strong background on Foreign Affairs. In these hard economic times for the TV networks, he has managed to create quite compelling stories with very low budgets, and has proven that good in-depth journalism can be done with very little resources.

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  • Documentary DP