Profile photo of Courtney B.

Courtney B.

Jacksonville, FL, USA

$240 - $500 / Day


Hello, Welcome to VelocityVideoPro! My name is Courtney Bridges. I have been video editing for over 10 years. I have always been very passionate about taking footage and altering it for the best visual experience. I have had the pleasure of working for movie companies to edit trailers and actor reels, With YouTubers for videos/trailers on different social media platforms, Wedding Videos, Music videos and more. I have become a extra on set for movies just for the experience to watch directors put footage together for better understanding of what is required of the editors in post production. My passion and drive deliverers a creative spin that I am positive you will love. My knowledge of editing is never complete, I am constantly learning more every day. I am excited to see what I learn from working with you. I know you will not be disappointed. Lets work together!

Top Services

Video Editor - Commercial

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Post Production

  • Video Editor - Commercial


  • Fixer