Profile photo of Emildo C.

Emildo C.

Curitiba, State of Paraná, Brazil


I´m a jounalist and videomaker. I´d like to hunt for stories about what I could name as Brazilian typical problems, such as poverty; the "dark side" about my city, Curitiba, that´s known worldwide for its administratian and life quality but has some areas forgotten by the public administration; prostitution; drugs addiction (crack is a big problem in Brazil); immigration (southern Brazil recivied immigrants from Russia after the revolution in 1917, for instance), these people as known as "white" Russians for not supporting the "Red Army" and they live their life as if they still were in their country in that time; racial problems in Brasil (here, as in the USA, we divide people accorting to their skin color); sexuality; language (Brazil will the the next Olimpic and World Cup wountry and few people here speak English fluently). That´t what I thing right now, but I´m preety much sure I´ll come up wiht more and more ideas.

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