Profile photo of Leanna E.

Leanna E.

Chicago, IL, USA

$400 - $1200 / Day


Leanna Ernest is a Chicago based makeup artist specializing in commercial, editorial, and beauty makeup. From a young age she always possessed a love for making art, painting and drawing, and a natural curiosity to create. After graduating from music school with Bachelor's in Vocal Performance , she discovered it was possible to make a career out of makeup. She was drawn to makeup artistry because it allowed her to combine her many creative interests. Leanna loves both the creative aspects of makeup artistry as well as many opportunities to collaborate with other creatives. She also loves any opportunity to work with women and help them embrace their own unique beauty. Leanna is most known for her beauty, commercial and editorial work. She loves creating flawless, beautiful skin, fresh natural looks, and more avant garde, artistic looks. Her distinctive style and passion for makeup have made her a highly sought after artist. Leanna is represented by The Distinct Artist Agency in Chicago.

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Hair and Make-up Artist

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  • Hair and Make-up Artist