Profile photo of Colin E.

Colin E.

London, UK


I'm a freelance Documentary lighting Cameraman, Steadicam Operator and editor. As you will see from my CV my experience covers: documentary, drama, commercials, virals, music video, corporate communications and even fine art films. My last broadcast credit was for the 90min documentary, The truth about child brides shot in HD in India and Bangladesh for the BBC. Although I have a strange habit of getting totally into whatever odd subject I'm working on at the time (go on, ask me about concrete. No, seriously, it's magical stuff!) I have particular interests in: finance (high, low, technical, consumer), business, politics (UK, US and Indian in particular), science (especially mathematics and physics), engineering and philosophy (ethics and political philosophy in particular). In fact, the only thing I have no interest in is sports, Martial arts (I'm a Karate Black belt), tennis, skiing and scuba diving, excepted.

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Documentary DP

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  • Documentary DP