Profile photo of Daniel V.

Daniel V.

Munich, Germany


I was born in the late 70s and started photographing at the age of twelve when I got my hands on my first camera, a Canon EOS1, and never really stopped. I worked as a host and producer for NBC Universal, lived in San Francisco, Berlin, Duesseldorf and am currently based in Munich. I have been the responsible director and executive producer for various documentaries. I have about 12 years experience producing and directing television documentaries and long form productions. Responsibilities have included script writing, talent casting, budgeting and the supervision of production and post-production personnel. I also spent a lot of my time working with NGOs on six continents, documenting humanitarian projects and the work of charity organizations. I have been shooting in most of the African countries and all over the US. Being published in magazines and books in Germany, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

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