Profile photo of Md H.

Md H.

New York, NY, USA

1 review

$300 - $500 / Day


I have extensive experience in developing news stories, presenting news, live broadcasts, camera operation and video editing. I have mastered the skills necessary and earned a reputation for live reporting, conforming to specific news covering requirements and adhering to established norms. I am working as a Freelance Journalist in the New York City. I am providing news to some community based television. I am heavily involved with the Bangladeshi community in the U.S. especially in New York City. I am covering many political and cultural programs and breaking news event interview community leaders on a regular basis. My responsibilities include prepare news reports in an appropriate format particularly for television broadcast and send them to news producers. I must conduct research to obtain information and authentic detail, using several sources. I do cover issues including immigrant's hardship and a success story, interfaith, cultural assimilation and so on. At the same time, I operate camera in the news event and edit videos with associated software. Previously I worked with Voice of America in Washington DC, where my responsibilities included reading international news, interviewing top political figures, and scholars. In addition, I was involved in the use of social media as a newsgathering tool. I was closely connected to the Bangladeshi community in the U.S. especially in New York City as I covered many political and cultural programs and interviewed community leaders on a regular basis. I then developed the stories, wrote articles, and broadcast the news as an anchorman. Also back in Bangladesh, I was involved with some Bangladeshi news organizations like Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television. I had a weekly live radio show for the youth( name of the program was "Noboketon") when I was in high school !

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News Shooter / Video Journalist
1 review
Reporter / Journalist


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Production Support

  • Reporter / Journalist
  • News Shooter / Video Journalist


  • Fixer