Profile photo of Andrey S.

Andrey S.

Hoboken, NJ, USA

$300 - $500 / Day


As an editor I've got deep content marketing and journalism experience, for major big-name media companies that you've heard of and for lots of corporate and institutional clients (you’ve heard of many of them, too). White papers and corporate reports are a specialty of mine, in addition to content marketing. I'm a former newspaper editor. My writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine and other New York Times sections (including the Book Review), Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, The Spectator (UK), The American Scholar, Details, and other venues. My BA and MA in English are from Columbia. I was in the PhD program there for a while, too, but academia was not for me. I lived in Eastern Europe for a long while (I went over for a journalism job and just...stayed), but am glad to now be back home in NYC. In addition, I'm an experienced translator of texts from Russian into English.

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  • Reporter / Journalist