Profile photo of Bobbie B.

Bobbie B.

Dallas, TX, USA


As an only child growing up in many small towns of the west Texas oilfields, Filmmaker Bobbie Baird developed a love of stories stories told through films, books, theater, and paintings. Many a night she and her mom watched old movies together on their black and white television until the sun came up the next morning. Through the years this turned into a dream of making her own films, telling her own stories. Life moved on and she went on to graduate with degrees in geology and geophysics and thrived in the fast paced world of international business living in France and China. Her personal and professional life took her to over 40 different countries throughout the world where she continued meeting people and collecting stories. Fast forward 25 years to 2012 when she decided to start a new life chapter, pursuing her dream of making films. Since then, she has been learning as much as possible about filmmaking through a combination of structured workshops, hands-on apprenticeship, and creating films for small, socially conscious companies and non-profits. She is focusing primarily on documentary storytelling and each day is providing tremendous growth opportunities.

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  • Documentary DP