Profile photo of Matthew C.

Matthew C.

Kansas City, MO, USA

1 review

$350 - $1000 / Day


I have a degree in Graphic Design from Iowa State but I fell in love with the camera my second year of college. After picking it up for the first time 6 years ago, and bringing it with me almost everywhere since; I've been putting down the camera more to be a Stills Assistant to train and learn under the local Commercial Shooters My ADHD brain has allowed me to learn and explore many artistic avenues throughout my life such as designing custom typography, filming and photographing skateboarding, playing drums in a punk band, and DIYing the majority of the things I own. Having this heavy multimedia background allows me to offer unique solutions and abstract ideas, not only in conception but through theoretical and tangible execution.

Top Services

Production Assistant
1 review
Event Photographer
Portrait Photographer


Top Projects



  • DSLR or equivalent


  • Lighting kit

All Services

Production Support

  • Portrait Photographer
  • Product Photographer
  • Event Photographer
  • Production Assistant