Profile photo of Michela O.

Michela O.

Dublin, Ireland


I recently graduated from the MA International Multimedia Journalism in Beijing. I am a Sinologist, I have a good knowledge of SEA countries, with a particular focus on China. Over the years I had several important experiences in the social-humanitarian field through paid or voluntary jobs, which allowed me to develop both personal concern and professional interest towards issues related to human rights, social justice, migration and cultural identity. Through photography and videography I am aiming at taking a journey into peoples life, giving voice to their personal stories and by doing so addressing problems and realities that on a global scale affect the global community. I am extremely fascinated by the new collaborative forms of journalism and multimedia, as powerful tools to deliver stories in the most creative and appropriate way possible to reach the audience efficiently.

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Documentary DP
Sound Mixer

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Production Support

  • Documentary DP

Post Production

  • Sound Mixer