Profile photo of Vlad K.

Vlad K.

Moscow, Russia

$200 - $400 / Day


Vladislav Ketkovich, 20.09.1971. Graduated Moscow State Teacher Training University, studied at Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors. In 1990th organized and participated in ethno-geographic expeditions, where worked as a journalist and filmmaker. First filming experiences - visual anthropology: Pigmy people (Zaire), Peruvian Indians (Peru), nomadic Kazakhs (Kazakhstan), etc. Shootings from expeditions were broadcasted at many Federal TV Channels in Russia in 1990th. Published articles and photos at GEO, National Geographic and other magazines. In 2000 founded production company Ethnofund. Since 2006 Ethnofund has produced more than 20 documentaries (singles and series, most of them with Russian State support), that are broadcasted on number of TV channels. Ethnofund's won a number of prizes and diplomas at different IFFs. Vlad works both as CEO and Producer. Since 2010 Vlad works a lot with International partners, mostly as a coproducer and local producer.

Top Services

Documentary DP
Sound Mixer


Top Projects



  • Multiple cameras


  • External recorder

All Services

Production Support

  • Documentary DP

Post Production

  • Sound Mixer


  • Fixer