Profile photo of Lennie W.

Lennie W.

Houston, TX, USA

1 review

$500 - $2500 / Day


Dr. Waite holds her PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, a Licensed Psychologist, and is a member of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Sport Psychology Registry. She is trained in helping high performers develop strategies to manage the adversity and stressors in their environment to help them maintain their well-being and maximize their performance when it matters most. The core of Dr. Waite’s philosophy is to support the unique developmental pathway of each of her clients, whether that is an Olympic athlete, collegiate athlete, or business leader, by building supportive interventions aimed at helping each individual achieve their long-term goals. Prior to her career as a Performance Psychologist, Dr. Waite was an NCAA All-American in track and field at Rice University and competed as a professional track and field athlete for nine years. She represented Great Britain at the 2016 Olympic Games.

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On-Camera Talent
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  • 5.0

    Produced for Hearst Digital Media

    RW / Mental Health / Interview / Dr. Waite

    • On-Camera Talent

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Production Support

  • On-Camera Talent