Profile photo of Anna G.

Anna G.

Berlin, Germany


Anna Marie Goretzki has studied anthropology, social studies and history of South Asia and New German Literature. For her research she was required to spend considerable time in Spain and India. She completed her masters programm with her dissertation focusing on the Marathi film industry (Marathi is the language of the federal Indian state Maharashtra). Since then she has been working as a video-journalist, freelance journalist and editor. Her articles and reports are accisible in the form of video, audio and print in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Magazin Segeln, in Filmmagazin ray, on Deutschlandradio Kultur, Deutschlandfunk, DRadio Wissen oder DW (Latinoamérica). As a videojournalist she likes to cover stories on social, anthropological, cultural topics or that focus on environment (protection).

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