Profile photo of Matty B.

Matty B.

Seattle, WA, USA

$300 - $2000 / Day


Matty Brown's visual and emotional style is like a colorful tornado instilling inspiration and empathy into any audience. Having the most Vimeo Staff Picks in the world, Matty's very signature style has sent a shockwave through the film industry influencing other creatives to adopt his unusual techniques. Growing up in poverty and being part of the LGBT community with a Native American background has given Matty a unique perspective of the world around him. He's explored 41 countries, immersing himself into as many cultures as he can. Matty is Emmy-nominated and has been featured in various festivals and publications around the world such as Tribeca Film Festival, Sundance, New York Times, 60 Minutes, Ellen, The Atlantic Magazine, Indiewire, Deadline, The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, etc. He was recently awarded the 2018 Independent Spirit Award 'Story Award'. His first feature film is currently in development.

Top Services

Creative Director
Video Editor - Commercial
Sound Designer

Top Projects

All Services

Production Support

  • Non-Fiction Film Director
  • Commercial DP
  • Production Assistant

Post Production

  • Video Editor - Commercial
  • Sound Designer
  • Video Editor - Documentary


  • Creative Director
  • Fixer