Profile photo of Sean S.

Sean S.

Louisville, KY, USA

1 review

$200 - $10000 / Day


Sean Smith is a stand-up comedian born, raised, and living in Louisville, KY. He has been performing in bars, clubs and colleges since 2006, performing mostly observational and personal material. Along the way, he performed with some of the nations more talented acts, including Ryan Niemiller, Jay Pharoah, Erin Jackson, and Nick Cannon.  In addition to stand-up comedy, you can also find Sean’s comedic stylings co-staring on the Tubi sitcom Hell of a Mother in-Law.

Top Services

On-Camera Talent
1 review


Top Projects

  • 5.0

    Produced for Hearst Television

    Louisville Archive Show

    • On-Camera Talent

All Services

Production Support

  • On-Camera Talent